Jacklyn Chan
Founder & Director of JcMA / [頌 • 音樂] 創辦人及藝術總監
Pianist and Piano Pedagogue Jacklyn Chan earned her Bachelor of Music from the University of Indianapolis (UIndy, USA) and Master of Music from Butler University (USA) in piano performance. Miss Chan was awarded full teaching assistantship during her graduate study teaching undergraduate classes.
Miss Chan was on the piano faculty at UIndy from 2001 to 2011 where she was Associate Director of the Community Music Center and Director of Summer Keyboard Academy. In addition to her service at UIndy, she was on the piano faculty at Indiana University in Indianapolis.
Jacklyn specializes in integrating Jaques-Dalcroze Eurhythmics concepts in teaching music. She received Eurhythmics training from the Juilliard School of Music (USA) and Carnegie Mellon University (USA), as well as the renowned Jaques-Dalcroze Institute in Geneva, Switzerland. Miss Chan has been invited to give lectures and pedagogy workshops by the Indiana Piano Teachers Association, Piano Pedagogy Symposium at Butler University, Shanghai Normal University and Hong Kong Millennium Youth Orchestra.
Jacklyn performed regularly in the Faculty Artist Series at UIndy and had performed concerts in Greece, Hawaii and other cities in the United States. In 2010, she was invited by the Indiana University of Pennsylvania to perform at The 9th Festival of Women Composers.
In 2005, Jacklyn was awarded Teacher Recognition Certificate by the National Foundation for Advancement in the Arts (USA), in appreciation for encouraging and supporting students who have been recognized for their exceptional artistic achievements. Over the years, Miss Chan was invited to be the adjudicator for many music contests and auditions, including The National Guild of Piano Teachers in America and Indiana Music Teachers Associations. She was included in Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers.
Upon returning to Hong Kong, Miss Chan founded Jacklyn Chan Music Academy in 2013, striving to nurture aspiring musicians and teachers.
鋼琴教育家陳頌斌 (Jacklyn Chan) 畢業於美國印第安那波里斯大學音樂系 (University of Indianapolis) ,並獲美國巴特勒大學音樂學院 (Butler University) 頒予助教席位及全數學費攻讀鋼琴演奏及鋼琴教育學碩士。在研究院期間,陳氏除了為音樂及舞蹈本科生教授綜合鍵盤技巧外 (Comprehensive Keyboard Skills) ,亦同時為大學附屬音樂中心教授鋼琴 、樂理及視唱練耳。
畢業後,陳氏曾於美國印第安那大學 (Indiana University in Indianapolis) 教授鋼琴及綜合鍵盤技巧科,其後獲美國印第安那波里斯大學邀請擔任全職音樂講師, 教授科目包括鋼琴文學及鋼琴教育 (Piano Literature and Pedagogy) 。在任期間,陳氏同時擔任該大學音樂中心副總監及暑期鍵盤系學院(鋼琴, 古鍵琴, 管風琴) 總監。
陳氏不斷研究音樂與非音樂的教學概念,以發掘學生的音樂潛能及提升對音樂的敏感度。其中以源於歐洲的達克羅士音樂律動學 (Jaques-Dalcroze Eurhythmics) 最為陳氏認同及採用。在應用達氏教學法的過程中, 陳氏觀察到學生對音樂的理解力及敏銳感有明顯的提升,尤其在演奏中更能表現出其自信心和豐富的音樂感 。
陳氏曾於茱麗亞音樂學院 (Juilliard School of Music, New York, USA) 、卡內基-美農大學音樂學院 (Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburg, USA) 及享負盛名的瑞士日內瓦達克羅士音樂學院 (Jaques-Dalcroze Institute in Geneva, Switzerland) 深造 , 並跟隨各歐美音樂大師學習達克羅士音樂律動學。
經過多年的教學實踐,陳氏獲印第安那州鋼琴教師協會、巴特勒大學鋼琴教育研討會、上海師範大學音樂學院及香港新世紀管弦樂團等團體, 邀請舉辦音樂工作坊、音樂教育研討會及大師班。在美國任教期間,陳氏獲美國Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers及National Foundation for Advancement in the Arts頒發教學嘉許狀,此獎狀乃表揚陳氏努力不懈地培育學生在藝術上取得出色的成就。
陳氏除了活躍於大學演奏家音樂會系列 (Faculty Artist Series) 外, 更被邀請到希臘, 夏威夷及美國其他城市作鋼琴獨奏、雙鋼琴及室內樂演出。最近的演出為美國賓直凡利亞州舉行的第九屆女作曲家音樂節。
陳氏回港後致力培育新一代的音樂愛好者及導師,於2013年創辦 Jacklyn Chan Music Academy - [頌 • 音樂] 。