Projekt: Pedagogy 鋼琴教學工作坊
Hello 各位鋼琴導師: Projekt: Pedagogy 將會在十月廿五日(星期二) 上午十一時於尖沙咀文化中心CR1 舉行一場鋼琴教學工作坊。 是次工作坊的目的主要是探索如何培育學生對美麗琴音 (beautiful tone production)的追求及從小培養良好的技術,尤其是應用於教授低年級的學生們(4〜6歲)。眾所周知,教授這個年齡層無疑為導師們帶來無比的歡樂,但幫助他們去塑造穩固的技術及對聲音的追求卻非易事。 此外,我們將分享如何使用一本已深受全球49個國家的導師所愛戴的琴書“Tales of a Musical Journey”。詳情請遊覧 敬希各導師與朋友分享這個信息。謝謝! Dear Piano Teachers, We will be giving a piano pedagogy workshop on Oct 25 (Tuesday at 11 am) at HK Cultural Centre CR 1. This workshop will be focusing on cultivating good technique and musicianship, especially to a younger group of students. As we all know, teaching this age group brings a lot of JOY to us but yet it is not easy to help them shape their technique and musicianship right at the beginning. In addition, it will be our privilege to share with you this fantastic piano method book "Tales of a Musical Journey" by Irina Gorin. Please visit for details. Please kindly share the workshop info with your friends who are passionate about teaching! Cheers!